
Cru has been a campus organization at Texas State/Southwest Texas State since at least 1971, staff and students trusting the Lord and loving students with the message of Christ’s grace and salvation for nearly 50 years. We are still here. The basic mission has not changed.
Old Main Friends is a network of former students who are engaged with us, who would lock arms with us, who would pray and give back. Our staff team has been reaching out to hundreds and hundreds of Bobcat alumni from the past 50 years asking them to give back to this ministry that they were such a vital part of.
Please watch the short video from the Team Leader at Texas State to learn more about Old Main Friends and how you can be apart of what God is doing in the lives of college students at Texas State University.
Calling all alumni!
Perhaps you only know it as Texas State or maybe you still say you graduated from Southwest.... you might refer to it as Cru or maybe you still call it Campus Crusade for Christ... you might wonder if Gil's Broiler is still in business... or you might fondly look back and remember college as a time that powerfully shaped your relationship with Christ. Whatever your experience was at this special university, we are calling upon you again to continue leaving a legacy at your Alma Mater.
We would like to invite you to join the alumni network we call Old Main Friends. Through this network, we would like to stay connected with you and be a support to helping you live on God's mission wherever He has taken you. We believe that our role in serving and supporting our students continues beyond graduation.
We will send all of our Old Main Friends a biannual newsletter that will include examples of how Bobcat alumni are living missionally in their neighborhoods and work places, we will share stories of how God is still changing lives at Texas State, and provide updates on what is happening in the lives of former Texas State students.
Not only do we want to support you where God has you today, we also want to ask you to help us reach the campus where God worked in your life years ago. With that said, I want to ask all alumni -- I want to urgently plead with Bobcats everywhere -- to partner with us in this ministry by giving a monthly gift of $25. This amount is roughly the cost of a date night to Chilis or a few trips to your favorite coffee shop.
We ask you with all humility and all conviction to join with us to help us raise the funds needed to help scholarship current students to conferences, provide new and needed equipment, purchase ministry materials and food for events, cover ongoing overhead expenses, rent facilities on campus, fund students going on overseas missions, and much more. One thing your monthly donation does not cover are staff expenses. Each Cru staff raise their own financial support and therefore, 100% of all your donations go to the students and the ministry costs.
So, will you continue leaving a legacy at Texas State by partnering with us to reach the next generation? Will you step back into this campus ministry by giving a minimum monthly gift of $25 (or even a greater amount like $50 or $100)? Will you partner with us and help us reach this goal? Our desire is to see Bobcats join with us from the past four decades. Thank you for prayerfully considering how to give back to your campus.
Because college students are worth it,
Team Leader
Texas State University